A prefect blend of nature and city

Now settled on the beautiful Gold Coast with my family, I am wholeheartedly dedicated to my dream of becoming a full-time fashion designer. There is no greater satisfaction at the end of the day than experiencing the validation that comes when a woman falls in love with my work as much as I do. Witnessing her purchase a beloved piece, crafted from my heart, fills me with immense joy. I am beyond thrilled to announce the launch of my debut collection, Mexiku, under the name Juliette et Felicity. It's a stunning collection that I have poured my heart and soul into.

Ethical, eclectic, hand-crafted, artisan.

Through Juliette et Felicity, my aspiration is to establish meaningful connections with women who share a passion for exquisitely crafted attire, value the artistry behind it, and seek to make a positive impact on the world by supporting environmentally sustainable products and ethical labor practices. Juliette et Felicity embodies the culmination of a 30-year dream, finally granted the freedom to thrive in the realm of fashion.